We regret to inform you that we will be going on another hiatus. If you would like more information on that, please watch our latest episodes on our YouTube channels. We have uploaded videos on all three channels to let you know what is going on on those channels.
It's been a while since a post has been added. Many things have been happening in ASG such as the Minecraft server where funding has just started. This should hopefully be up by December (fingers crossed!) Talking of Minecraft, pc10194 has started another Minecraft survival series where the first episode is up.
Season 1 of World of Tanks Wednesdays is well underway with pc10194, SamJamesQ and Jammy-dodger100 in a platoon where they battle it out in tanks across the world to win battles. We have started our partnership with CPflightlog which will help to advertise us and finally, we all hope you enjoy our upcoming videos. Due to the ASG Team having such pressures as the important academic lives they possess, ASG is being entirely put on hiatus until the pressure has passed. What does this mean? Well...
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May 2015
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