We at ASG Ltd. understand that your lives are highly important and are always as busy as ours, so that is why we have to tell you now that we are making some major changes to Acro-Static Gaming and the related entities. See below the list of things which are going to change over the course of this season.
Yes, our website is entering the 2.0 stage of development which means you are not going to be able to access the website for quite some time while we make the changes. You will still be able to access this version of the website (1.9) as you see it now, but the 2.0 changes will mean that you cannot do any of the interaction on the website. There will be no new posts to the news feed or blogs.
As you may have seen already, our homepage contains the current up-to-date schedule which we hope to stick to in the coming season, but we also have lives which get in our way. So far we can confirm that Midweek Mario and ARate100's current free game series on ASG 2 will be the consistent uploads, but we can't promise anything else, but we'd like to. This is why we are taking a break from all other series' for now while we plan out and record videos in bulk for you to enjoy later.
Yes, we have decided to change the logo and channel art yet again to suit who we really are. We were considering changing the name of the network completely, but figured that would cause too much confusion. When the new website is ready to go, out new logo and channel art will be too!