SamJamesQ has started playing Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS. This will be a rather lengthy series. New uploads every Wednesday on ASG.
Yes, GTA is one of the most popular game franchises out there, and we have a number of series on it, but the most popular one is pc10194's "The Ballad of Gay Tony" series in which he has publish 12 parts so far and will be continuing his series soon. GTA V has also seen some attention on the main channel and ASG 2 as well, and ARate100 has a whole series on car customization planned for the future too!
As you may have seen, Nexus did a few Minecraft videos for the Advent Marathon which went pretty well, and there is much more Minecraft coming your way, including the series which started ASG in the first place; ARate100 and pc10194's XBox survival series which will now be called "Spawn to End".
As you may have noticed, our new Featured page contains some reviews. These are some reviews which will be featured on ASG 2 in a new series along with other game reviews. The film reviews will be random and will not be featured on any of the channels.
ARate100 and pc10194 started building a kingdom in Minecraft over a year ago and have kind of neglected its progress due to multiple interruptions but have recently got back into it and the build will be well underway again soon. Expect some video footage on ASG 2.
Yes, this is the big fantasy game which we are planning to make, but hold your horses. This is just an idea. This is not by any means going to become a reality or get underway any time soon. Sorry to burst your bubble but you won't be hearing about it any more unless we take it seriously.
This is a new series which we plan to start in which we upload a video to ASG and ASG 2, as well as doing a livestream so you will have three videos to watch; one on each channel. We haven't confirmed a date for when this will be starting, but it is something which we will be doing.
As the more perceptive of you may have noticed by now, we are planning to make a public Minecraft server! We won't go into much detail, you can check it out here.
Yes, we now have a channel where we will be livestreaming games from! Check it out here.
Finally, you may have noticed that we are now in version 1.9 of our website and we want you to tell us what we could do to the site for when we do the massive 2.0 update. What features would you like to see? Would you like us to change the graphics? Any thing else? Leave a comment on this post and your idea could come true!