OKAY! First night at Crête was extremely humid. I nearly dropped when stepping off the plane! On the first night I saw this horrific clown shower (below) in a water park near the beach. I went snorkling today around some rocks at that beach. Colours of fish: Blue, brown, black, grey & orange. Going for a midnight swim tonight! YOLO! Can't wait for tomorrow! I am sleeping in my proper room tonight. Yesterday I was in a different hotel because they were full at this one. Grrrr, easyJet! Temperatures are about 20°C - 30°C. Not too bad when there is a breeze.
I took a snap of outside the first room (below). In that tree were millions of "crickets" which sound like bats at a football game. They don't make noise at night so I am able to sleep sound. Well, that is the first night and day over. I can not wait for tomorrow!